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How to Pray a Novena

Novena Prayer

Many Catholics regard the Novena Prayer as something powerful and powerful, which a person does when he wants something from God.

However, not a few people also pray the novena in times of need. For example, the Novena Prayer of Three Hail Marys when in trouble or the Novena Prayer to Saint Judas Thaddeus when in trouble.

But sometimes, we don't always get what we want, at least, we don't always get it the way we want.

Therefore, before someone wants to practice a novena, pay attention to the following three things as an effective way for a Novena Prayer to be answered for a specific request.

Understand the following three things before you perform the Novena Prayer

Do you understand what a novena is?

The word "novena" comes from the Latin "novem" which means nine. Thus, the novena is performed for nine days at the same time in a month, week, or day.

In Ancient Rome tradition of praying for nine days was a custom of praying for the dead as a way to mourn his passing and surrender his soul to God's grace.

In the early Middle Ages, novenas were prayed in preparation for major Church events such as Christmas, Pentecost and other major Church holidays.

Over time, the recitation of the novena has changed as we usually do today, where the Novena Prayer can be used as a substitute for daily prayer.

Realizing that Novena is not something magical

Novena is not something miraculous, in the previous article we have written 5 extraordinary benefits of Novena Prayer, you can read it because it is one of the important points, namely; a means of developing perseverance and obedience, good prayer habits, and building a deeper relationship with God.

when we pray knowing our limitations as creatures, the Novena Prayer brings us peace and joy regardless of our request in prayer being answered. Actually nothing fails, everything is answered, it's just that we lack the patience to wait for God's time for us.

Noven prayer means opening oneself to God

The Novena Prayer is not to control God, but rather to open oneself to God in increasing faith and growing in love for others.

Novena is more about inner healing, which includes; free mind from a problem that continues to burden itself. Get special grace, and change yourself to grow in virtue and holiness.

How to pray the Novena for a special request

First, surrender to God's will

Quoting from a blogger who lives in New York, when we pray the novena, it means we focus our spiritual attention seriously on a set of prayers.

Having the right attitude and surrendering completely to God's will is the key to the novena.

We can reflect on what the Lord Jesus said in the garden of Gethsemane the night before He was arrested. “My Father, if you will, take this cup from me; but not my will, but yours be done." (Luke 22:42).

Second, submit a special request

A novena is a prayer to convey a special request, which helps us meet our needs before God without telling God how He answers our prayers. It is important that your application is not modified.

Third, an expression of faith that expresses confidence in God's ability to grant our requests.

Often we have doubts, it is important to know that prayer based on a strong faith in God helps us to gain grace and find hope. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand the meaning of a Novena Prayer that we want to pray, which helps us to reflect on the wisdom and goodness of God.

Fourth, cultivate a strong commitment and avoid boredom

Of course you must have a strong commitment, and be able to eliminate boredom. Repeating a prayer from time to time can help you learn to listen to God when He speaks to you in prayer.

The right time or hour in doing the Novena Prayer.

When is the best time to pray the Novena?

The Novena Prayer is private, meaning that you determine the time yourself. Some prayer books include a note that if your request is heavy or for serious problems then the appropriate times for Novena Prayer are morning and evening. Many saints in their quote that “only in stillness and peace can we hear the voice of the Lord.”

Referring to this quote, of course you are looking for the right hours of the day when you can pray fervently and serenely. Take it in the morning and evening when the house or place you live seems calm.

What if the Novena Prayer is interrupted?

This is a frequently encountered question. After the author found out in various Catholic online forums there were many answers given. Some said the prayer was repeated from the beginning, and some said it was okay. That's why you need to reread the fourth point.

Answering this, we found an interesting answer if the Novena Prayer is interrupted, then you don't have to start over from the beginning. Keep praying. And on the same day (skipped day) you pray twice for example you pray at 5 in the morning then in the afternoon at 17 you pray again.

For example, if your prayer is from Thursday this week, it means that your Novena Prayer is finished on Friday next week. If it is Friday this week that is skipped, then on Friday next week you will pray twice. That is 5 am and 5 pm.

But it all comes back to each individual, whether you want to repeat it from the beginning or follow this guide. But again, if you don't have a commitment , it's the same.

Thus the Novena Prayer method for a special request, hopefully this article can be useful in developing our faith.